
Life at Full Sail

Full Sail Celebrates Fan Culture at ‘Fantasmicon’
Skylar Richards, Dr. Shawn Stafford, and Dr. Haifa Maamar sit in a recording studio. They each have a microphone in front of them.

Life at Full Sail

Full Sail与奥兰多健康合作,为电子竞技运动员提供优势
Attendees sit in the Full Sail Live venue. 舞台两侧的屏幕上印着蜥蜴机器人的标志和“奥兰多2023:机器人的崛起”的字样.

Life at Full Sail

Full Sail在奥兰多校园举办安全会议

菲比·埃莱凡特(Phoebe Elefante)站在讲台上,在Full Sail会场向观众讲话. She is wearing a brightly colored print dress.

Life at Full Sail

Full Sail Hosts Orlando Devs Meetup
在Summer Sizzle上,当两名工作人员招呼参与者时,几名学生聚精会神地举手. The large room is colorfully lit up and looks very lively.

Life at Full Sail

Students Sing and Socialize at Summer Sizzle

Life at Full Sail

Full Sail Hosts Wellness Fair for Students and Staff
《太空小狗》的导演杰森·墨菲站在一个虚拟宇宙飞船的舞台上. 他正在和一名工作人员交谈,另一名工作人员拿着吊杆麦克风.

Life at Full Sail

‘Space Pups’ Filmed on Full Sail’s Campus
Full Sail军校学生成功中心的一张图片显示了一张大沙发, small meeting rooms, and flags representing each branch of the US Armed Services.

Life at Full Sail

Full Sail’s Military Student Success Center
三个女人戴着五颜六色的印尼羽毛头饰跳舞, yellow skirts, and beaded belts and collars.

Life at Full Sail

Full Sail以活动和演讲庆祝菠菜台子大全周
Behind the scenes on a student film set, 一个学生坐在椅子上拿着笔记本,另一个学生在胶片相机后面工作

Life at Full Sail


Life at Full Sail

一个穿着蓝白相间纽扣衬衫的男人在白板上写字. 一群男男女女坐在会议桌旁观看他的演讲, which has notebooks, laptops, and papers scattered across it.

Life at Full Sail

学生参加2021年“Full Sail Means Business”Pitch Competition