
‘空间幼崽’ 电影ed on 满帆’s 校园

The family-friendly alien adventure was shot in several campus facilities, 包括工作室V1:虚拟生产.

空间幼崽’ director Jason Murphy stands onstage in a virtual spaceship set. He is talking to a crew member while another crew member holds a boom mic.

到2022年底, 工作室V1:虚拟生产 welcomed a pack of dog actors to campus for a professional film project. But these dogs weren’t playing themselves: They were playing aliens in 空间幼崽,一部适合家庭的科幻冒险片.

空间幼崽 is about a group of extraterrestrials whose ship crashes into Earth. They disguise themselves as dogs in hopes of receiving a warmer welcome from humans, and they wind up befriending a couple of kids. The children discover their secret and race to help the aliens repair their ship before they’re discovered by an alien chaser.

为了拍摄 空间幼崽, director Jason Murphy and producer Kenny Beaumont needed a virtual stage to build the interior of a spaceship for an important scene in the film’s climax. Studio V1 was the perfect setup for their production.

“The advantage [to filming at 满帆] for us is we're able to do a professional quality movie on a tight budget,肯尼说。. “而不是建造宇宙飞船, 那会是非常, 做起来非常昂贵, we built the interior of the spaceship virtually and then shot those portions at Studio V1.”

Studio V1 is a full-fledged production studio with hundreds of LED tiles spanning large digital screens on the backdrop, 地板上, 和天花板. Productions using the studio can build virtual sets, like the 空间幼崽 spaceship, in a video game engine, then display those sets on the digital screens during filming. Instead of spending time and money building multiple physical sets and traveling to and from filming locations, virtual production technology allows filmmakers like Jason and Kenny to switch sets, 调整照明, 并在几秒钟内添加特效.

Studio V1 wasn’t the only 满帆 facility that the 空间幼崽 团队使用. “We shot some scenes on the sound stages. We shot some in the Backlot in the woods and in the Backlot proper where they have the city facades… having so many different looks with such close proximity, 它为我们节省了很多时间和精力. We were able to do several things in the same day just by walking down the Backlot. 太棒了,”肯尼说.

Two crew members holding cameras and lighting equipment work on an outdoor set. One of them is giving a command to a small brown dog.

空间幼崽 crew members work with one of the film’s canine actors during an outdoor scene at 满帆.

拍摄 空间幼崽 on campus came with additional advantages: The filmmakers brought on dozens of 满帆 grads to work in crew positions.

“关于 90 percent of our crew were 满帆 grads,” shares Kenny. “We had grads doing the camera department, we had grads doing the lighting department… And the advantage for the grads is they're getting to do something a little bit higher up on the department chain, 因为当你毕业的时候, usually you have to do entry level film positions, but we were hiring some of them for higher positions.”

A number of grads also contributed to the movie’s audio post-production process in 满帆’s Dub Stage. Dub Stage Manager Dave Chmela worked with a crew of grads and student volunteers to put together more than 3,000个声音线索.

“我们录下了声音。, cleaned up the production [sounds] from the set, 创造声音设计, 表演了所有的福利节目, 用环绕立体声混合电影,戴夫说。. “[The students and grads] were tasked with creating all of the footsteps, 布的动作, and prop handling for each of the characters in the film. 他们做得很好.”

空间幼崽 is currently available to stream on Amazon, Vudu, and other streaming platforms.