Full Sail University

Full Sail's Cautious, Safety-Focused Approach to Campus Reopening


Full Sail以谨慎、安全为中心的方式重新开放校园-英雄形象

自2019冠状病毒病大流行开始并迫使全国各地的学校在春季关闭以来, 许多大学发现将学生安全送回校园是一项挑战. While focused on keeping students and staff safe and engaged during this time, Full Sail还面对了重新开放校园的挑战,实施了一项谨慎的, safety-based approach. The university consulted with Dr. Michael Lauzardo, 佛罗里达大学新兴病原体研究所副主任, 并遵循疾病控制中心的指导方针,于7月开始逐步重新开放校园, 然后从10月开始为所有学生提供有限的现场体验.

Full Sail致力于遵循专家指导方针,以创新的方式使用技术,创造了安全, 大流行期间为校园和在线学生提供丰富的教育体验.

In this video, Full Sail大学校长Garry Jones分享了学生在Full Sail校园可以期待的更多细节.

Campus Safety Protocols

Each week, students are able to participate in campus experiences, including labs, projects, and production work, 此外,为了保持社交距离,校园内每天允许的学生和教师人数也有上限.

Before arriving on campus, all students, faculty, and staff must complete video training sessions, sign a disclosure, 并填写每日证明表格,以确认他们没有出现COVID-19症状. 一旦进入校园,他们必须在指定的车站用个人二维码办理登机手续. 每个人都要通过非接触式体温检测站进行发烧检查, and masks are required at all times. Full Sail还遵循疾病预防控制中心推荐的整个校园清洁方案,并为每个教室提供个人防护装备.

校园还设有Aventus Health的现场执业护士,为有症状的学生或教职员工提供COVID-19测试. 学校将继续监测全国和地方的新冠肺炎新闻, as well as the comfort level of students, faculty, and employees.

"The university talks to the students, as well as our employees," says Dave Franko, Full Sail's Vice President of Education. “我们已经向学生们发出了多次调查,只是为了了解他们的舒适程度,更好地了解他们希望我们做什么. But safety is our number one concern for our students and employees, and I applaud their patience as we move forward."

Safety Protocols for On-Campus Labs

此外,制定了安全协议,以确保我们的学生和教师可以安全返回校园, Full Sail实施了多种创新技术解决方案,以使我们的学生参与所有学位的实践学习.

For example, for some of our audio degrees use DigiCo recording consoles to keep Recording Arts students safe as they learn how to record, mix, and master during the pandemic. The console's large-scale touchscreens are viewable at a distance, 允许学生参加现场实验室,同时保持社交距离协议.

该大学还通过建造带有铰接臂的iPad推车,优先为学生提供实验室空间. A proctor can wheel the cart into the room before class begins, then instructors can give directions and answer questions remotely. 这减少了校园的总人数,并允许额外的学生安全地使用Full Sail的行业标准设备.

Dynamic Distance Classes

弄清楚如何在远距离重现动手学习是一项挑战, but Full Sail's experience with online education, paired with a variety of new techniques, is paying off for both campus and online students. 一个例子是学校如何利用创造性的相机使用和校园设施 Synergy software.

实验室教师可以在整个教室或实验室空间设置多个摄像头, connect each camera to a separate Zoom session, then place each feed into a single Zoom window using Synergy. 这创造了一个具有多个有利位置的动态课程,学生可以实时切换.

Full Sail的工作室A只是使用这项新技术的空间之一. "We can show the control room, the live room, the vocal booth, or another view of the console," explains Mike Orlowski, Full Sail's Media Systems Engineer. "And then we control the audio of how it's sent to Zoom. 它允许我们把实时饲料出来的混音控制台,并将其发送到远程学生或远程教师."

其结果是一个360度的视听体验,让学生看到和听到实验室专家在工作时所做的改变, even if they aren't in the room.

Full Sail的另一项努力是扩展其Adobe Creative Cloud订阅,为学生提供更丰富的创意体验. 扩展后的订阅使学校的Adobe Stock收藏可以包括视频, motion graphics, audio clips, and 3D elements.

Looking Ahead

Full Sail的领导层始终关注新技术,以更好地为学生服务, 这一优先事项就是在疫情期间为大学提供良好的服务. 在接下来的几个月里,学校将继续探索这些和其他创新的解决方案, 因为它安全欢迎学生回到校园继续他们的教育.