Full Sail University

Full Sail Students Celebrate the Holi Festival of Colors

Students gathered for a presentation about the Hindu tradition, followed by a celebratory chase with colored powder.

Students throw colored powder at the Holi Festival of Colors.

Recently, in honor of the Holi Color Festival, students gathered together with a rainbow of colored powder to ring in the ancient Hindu tradition.

First, students gave a presentation on the festival 和 its rich history. According to the presentation, the Festival of Colors is celebrated throughout India to mark the end of winter 和 the beginning of spring, as well as the triumph of good over evil. The festival is usually celebrated for two days, firstly the Holika Dahan 和 then Holi, a colorful celebration in which people shower each other in water 和 colored powder. While the Festival of Colors is a Hindu tradition, students brought along friends 和 invited onlookers to join in on the celebration, so this was many of the attendees’ first exposure to the joyous festival.

Then, after the presentation, the fun could begin. Students eagerly filled water guns from buckets 和 chased each other around the field while throwing fistfuls of colored powder. The air was instantly filled with vibrant smoke 和 laughter. The color stuck to the wet clothes, 和, in a matter of minutes, the students were covered from head to toe in the colorful powder. Black shirts quickly turned hot pink, 和 everyone’s white socks were dyed all shades of blue, 黄色的, 绿色, 和 red. Once the power 和 water ran out, everyone gathered together in their wet, colorful clothes for a group picture 和 then went their separate ways to ring in the arrival of spring.