
满帆 Announces 2013 名人堂 Induction Class

The induction of this new class of honorees will occur during 满帆’s 第五届名人堂周 哪一届将于2014年2月举行.

满帆 Announces 2013 名人堂 Induction Class - Hero image

满帆大学很荣幸地宣布 2013 满帆大学名人堂 induction class comprised of six graduates recognized for outst和ing contributions to the world of entertainment, 媒体, 还有艺术. The induction of this new class of honorees will occur during 满帆’s 第五届名人堂周 哪一届将于2014年2月举行.

Coinciding with the university’s 35th anniversary year, the 5th Annual 名人堂 schedule will include a weeklong series of campus-wide events featuring VIP speaking engagements, 客座演讲, concerts – including several events that will be open to the public – culminating in an induction ceremony to celebrate 和 recognize the 2013 class of inductees.

The inductees to be honored at the 5th Annual 满帆大学名人堂 Week are:


  • Current Title: Founder 和 Director of Creative Strategy at Make Amazing
  • Industry Credits: With over a decade of working for world-renowned marketing 和 advertising agencies, Kim has been the creative force behind award-winning campaigns for global br和s 包括: The Four Seasons Hotels, 任天堂, 三星, 摩托罗拉, 西尔斯, 必胜客, 雷诺兹包装, 以及西雅图最好的咖啡, 仅举几个例子.
  • Her work as a Creative Director 和 Strategist has been broadcast nationally 和 hosted online with unique visitors in the millions.
  • 2003届毕业生(数字艺术 & 设计)


  • 现任头衔:水下摄影师
  • 行业荣誉:在他20多年的职业生涯中, Tom has worked on more than 35 award-winning film 和 电视 projects 包括: 亲子关系,CSI: NY, NCIS, Little Miss Sunshine,  深红色的潮流.
  • His work has been featured by popular national 和 international br和s 包括: TLC, IMAX, NCAA, 和耐克.
  • 1991届毕业生(电影)


  • Current Title: Producer, Engineer, Mixer 和一个rtistic Director
  • 行业荣誉:佛罗里达人, Demo做过工程师, 混合机, 生产商, 程序员, 艺术总监, 和一个&R representative for countless artists such as: Madonna,
    贾斯汀·汀布莱克, 妮莉费塔朵, Lady GaGa, 罗宾Thicke, 蕾哈娜, 一个共和国, 杰伊Z, 提姆巴兰, 克里斯·康奈尔.
  • His innovative style can be heard on 杰伊Z’s 2013 #1 release, 大宪章的圣杯麦当娜2013年发行的DVD排名第一, MDNA世界巡回赛.
  • Demo is currently working with longtime collaborator 提姆巴兰 on a new posthumous Michael Jackson album, 将于2014年上映.
  • 2001届毕业生(录音艺术)


  • 现任职务:克莱尔国际公路部经理
  • Industry Credits: Serving the world of concert touring for more than 28 years in two major capacities Leon currently serves as the Road Staff Manager for Clair Global, 全球领先的扩声供应商. In this capacity he has focused on road 工作人员 development at both the entry 和 experienced skill levels helping to launch 和 advance many careers which includes numerous 满帆 graduates for more than two decades of audio service to the worldwide touring industry.
  • 以前, Leon served as a Live Sound System Engineer working around the globe with touring projects including major artists such as: Boston, 《菠菜台子大全》, 乔治·迈克尔, 珍妮·杰克逊, 保罗·麦卡特尼, ZZ Top, 克林特·黑, 艾伦杰克逊, Reba McEntire, 和更多的.
  • 1985届毕业生(录音艺术)

Larry Katz

  • 现任职务:副主任
  • Industry Credits: Working in production for over a decade in the motion picture industry Larry’s credits on major blockbuster films include: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Captain America: The First Avenger, X-Men: First Class《菠菜台子大全》.
  • 除了电影片名, his career includes work on numerous 电视 projects including the primetime hits 《十大菠菜台子》,《菠菜台子大全》,《菠菜台子大全》七重天以及Showtime的喜剧剧集, 加州靡情.
  • 2000届毕业生(电影)


  • 目前的头衔:重录混音在天行者声音
  • Industry Credits: Juan has worked on more than 90 film, 电视, 还有电子游戏名称, 包括: 遗忘, 战马, 《十大菠菜台子》, 炖菜, 《菠菜台子大全》, 汽车, 《十大菠菜台子》, 《十大菠菜台子》,以及更多.
  • 他最近的项目包括: 《雷神2:黑暗世界《美国队长2:冬日战士.
  • In 2009, he won the Best Sound Editing award from the Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE) for 瓦力.
  • 1996届毕业生(录音艺术)

Since 2009, the university has celebrated the now time-honored tradition that is the 满帆大学名人堂. Its purpose is to acknowledge those graduates who have made outst和ing contributions to the world of entertainment, 媒体, 还有艺术 throughout the university’s 35-year history. This honor serves as a tribute to the creative inspiration, 技术上的辉煌, 以及每位入选者的决定, their unyielding dedication to more than a decade of excellence in their professional career, 以及他们对学生发自内心的承诺, 教师, 工作人员, 全赛大学的校友.

“As we embark on the fifth year of this remarkable celebration, we look forward to welcoming the latest induction class of the 满帆大学名人堂 back to campus, we congratulate them on receiving this prestigious honor,” 加里•琼斯满帆大学校长. “It is with great pride that we share this announcement with our students, 工作人员, 教师, 校友, 奥兰多社区, 以及整个娱乐业.”

关于事件的其他信息, 特别的客人, 现场音乐会表演将会公布, 随着名人堂周的临近. Check back here at 满帆 Blog for more details 和 follow @FullSail 加入推特上的#FullSailHOF对话.

Sponsors already committed in support of the 5th Annual 满帆大学名人堂 Week include: Adobe Systems, 公司., 狂热的, CDW-G, 思科, 墨菲照明系统, 森海塞尔, 和WWE, 随着更多赞助商的宣布即将到来.