Full Sail University


Jennie Jarvis wrote, directed, and starred in Connection, a sci-fi short that was shot almost entirely on Zoom.

珍妮·贾维斯站在摄影棚里,带着摄影机和舞台灯光. She is holding two Gold Telly statues.

Film Production master’s 教练珍妮·贾维斯喜欢保持忙碌,但她获得了获奖电影的灵感 Connection when she was stuck at home. In the summer of 2020, Jennie watched Staged这是一部在新冠疫情期间通过视频会议软件拍摄的英国情景喜剧. 珍妮得到了这个灵感,并求助于她多年的写作经验, directing, and acting to create her own movie using Zoom. The result was Connection, which recently earned Jennie two Gold Telly Awards.

珍妮一直知道她会在娱乐圈有一个未来——她五岁时就开始演戏了, and she attended a high school for the arts. She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in Film, 英语硕士学位(重点是电影研究和戏剧文学), and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing.

对大多数人来说,接受那种程度的教育是一项全职工作, but Jennie continued working as she earned her degrees. 她还在上学的时候就在导演戏剧和电影了, but she struggled to find scripts worth pursuing. 从那时起,她把注意力转向了写作,这也帮助她在学术界找到了工作. 她开始教编剧(她目前正在教 Script Production & Analysis),于2013年获得Full Sail电影制作硕士学位, 她一直忙于学校的工作和专业项目,包括 Connection — ever since.

Connection 是一部以遥远的未来为背景的科幻短片,在那里气候变化迫使人类撤离地球. Lauren, a woman living on a crumbling spaceship, 转向她船上的视频约会系统,试图与更好的船上的人建立有利的浪漫关系. Connection was shot almost entirely over Zoom, 它让人想起了许多人在COVID-19大流行初期经历的孤立感和远距离联系的尝试.

“I had the idea for Connection, and I was like, ‘Okay, 如果人们通过某种视频平台进行互动,那会是一个什么样的世界呢?’ I tend to write a lot of science fiction and fantasy, and so in my mind I was like, ‘Okay, we have two people talking on different spaceships, and this is how they're communicating to each other.’然后我就从那里开始写故事,”珍妮解释说.

珍妮的叙事宇宙和大流行之间的其他相似之处贯穿整部电影. 当劳伦通过约会平台遇到杰夫,发现他很快就会回到地球,因为他对他们的重建工作至关重要, she says, “It must be nice to be essential!杰夫回答说:“你知道什么叫必不可少。? It means we’re disposable.”

“劳伦想下船,杰夫害怕下船. 我认为我们在大流行期间都在处理这个问题,”珍妮说. “The people who were considered essential, yes, they're going out all the time, but that means they're risking their lives. It's not necessarily safe. 我玩了很多这样的东西.”

Zoom was essential to Connection’s story, 在线交流平台也帮助珍妮的天才团队从世界各地将电影整合在一起. 珍妮导演了这部电影,并在《菠菜台子大全》的一个摄影棚中扮演了劳伦. 主演比尔·贾米森(Bill Jamieson)饰演来自马里兰州巴尔的摩的杰夫(Jeff). Connection’s editor worked on the movie from Atlanta, Georgia, 而马耳他的一个团队负责视觉效果和合成.

珍妮把完成的电影参加了十多个电影节和比赛, 这部电影已经获得了两项主要的荣誉:编剧金奖和低预算电视金奖(每分钟低于700美元). Connection 也是2022年劳德代尔堡国际电影节的官方选择. 同时她还在等待其他电影节的消息,并为未来的项目做准备, 珍妮鼓励Full Sail未来的编剧们承担创造性的风险,尽快投身电影制作.

“你不能等着别人给你拍电影的许可,”她说. “Films are so expensive, 人们不做更多的原因之一是因为他们就像, ‘Well, I don't have any money. I don't have any money.’ Well, [Connection] was less than $300 to make, 大部分钱都花在了片场的食物上……不要觉得你必须要拍大片中的大片. Just be willing to make stuff.”