
创意写作 MFA Grad Writing For OWN Network Series

电影 and 创意写作 grad Devan Renea's credits include 女王糖 即将到来的 黛利拉.

创意写作 MFA Grad Writing For OWN Network Series - Hero image

By the time Devan Renea reached the Advanced Production courses in the 电影学士课程 at 满帆, she knew exactly where she wanted to end up: a writer's room. "I was the showrunner [in that class], and I just fell in love," she recalls. “我只知道这就是我想做的."

从小就被戏剧和表演艺术所吸引, Devan taught drama for a period of time after graduating from high school early in her junior year. After completing her associate degree in theatre arts attending Howard University and Morgan State, she opted for a more unique approach to her interest in production.

After learning about 满帆 and taking a trip to visit the campus, 这次经历使她的决定变得简单.

“我想象自己在外景拍摄现场的样子,”她说. "I visualized being on that studio lot and doing my work." While making her visualization a reality wasn't simple, Devan eventually found her way to the 满帆 campus to follow her dream.

Devan completed her film bachelor's and became dead set on a career writing for television. 然后, she was chosen for the prestigious 电视 Academy Internship program where she spent two months in California working for Warner Horizon, eventually leading to a full-time role as an office coordinator.

"It was the fundamentals of the professionalism that I gained during the 电影 program that really helped, 因为我不害怕接受这些挑战,她说. "When it came time for me to get scruffy and to get that production job, 我所做的, and the team at Warner was so impressed that they were like, “是的, 我们会雇用你的.'"

Knowing her path to become a showrunner didn't end with a role as an office coordinator, Devan enrolled in the 创意写作 MFA program while working full-time for Warner Horizon. 德文的车程, 知识, and professionalism were eventually noticed by showrunner Melissa Carter, who offered Devan a position as a showrunner's assistant for the then-upcoming series on 奥普拉•温弗瑞's OWN, 女王糖. 接下来的一年, 德万将和梅丽莎·卡特一起工作, 奥普拉•温弗瑞, and series creator Ava DuVernay to launch the successful series from book to screen. 在成功之后 女王糖之后,Devan将继续开发Freeform的 在爱情中出名 以及CW电视台的热门剧集 Stargirl.

"At 满帆 they tell you, 'One day, you'll get that call.’然后我接到了电话,”这位毕业生说. "I had this wonderful education and tutelage from 满帆 now on the mastery level. So when Melissa asked me to give her coverage or to give my opinions of the development, 她擅长什么, 我能够挺身而出了.".

If her hard-working demeanor weren't enough to endear Devan to her colleagues in the entertainment industry, her wide array of involvement in philanthropic endeavors certainly is. 除了履行她作为电视编剧的职责, Devan serves as a Board Chair for the Black Employees of Warner Brothers along with being an active member of several community and education-centered programs including the WB Mentoring Program and 聚光灯下的孩子,透过电影制作,协助培育青少年.

"Everything leads back to the little girl that used to sit in her room and scribble in books and dream,她说. "If it wasn't for these opportunities to strengthen diversity across all mediums of entertainment, 我就不会在这里了. I felt like it was my responsibility once I was in a position of power and of placement to make sure that I gave back."

目前, 德凡离实现梦想又近了一步, working as a writer and script coordinator for the upcoming 合法的戏剧 黛利拉 在自己的网络上. Series creator Craig Wright has also tapped Devan to write for another upcoming, unnamed 另一则 剥离.

"There are moments where I'm so overwhelmed, because it is a lot. 我不喜欢在学生面前粉饰太平。. “我拼命工作,真的. 每一天都很艰难. When we get off this call, I'm about to go write nine scenes and put two scripts out. It's hard, but it is one of those things where I felt like I was born to do this."

“我记得那个在停车场看到自己的学生, 它是否像, “我是黑色的, 我小, 我来自巴尔的摩,' 我所做的n't let any of those things keep me from trying to go after it and 满帆 gave me the confidence that I felt like I was able to come out to California and compete with some of the best,德万说。. “在我的实习项目中, 有来自加州大学洛杉矶分校的人, 有来自洛约拉的人, 有来自纽约大学的人, 但我觉得, “我来自满帆,我们把它弄进去了.'"