Full Sail University

10 Years of Hall of Fame


10 Years of Hall of Fame - Hero image

Since 2009, Full Sail大学已经庆祝了一个历史悠久的传统,那就是Full Sail大学名人堂. 它的目的是表彰那些在大学近40年的历史中为娱乐、媒体和新兴技术领域做出杰出贡献的毕业生. This honor serves as a tribute to the creative inspiration, technical brilliance, and determination of each inductee, 他们在十多年的职业生涯中孜孜不倦地奉献卓越, and their heartfelt commitment to the students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Full Sail University.

Over the years, 围绕当年名人堂毕业生的年度庆祝活动不断发展和演变. Now, an entire week is dedicated to Hall of Fame, with a wide range of events for students, including:

  • Guest lectures, panels, workshops, 以及来自行业主要影响者的实际技术演示, experts, and companies.
  • 职业社交活动的重点是为学生和毕业生提供就业和指导.
  • 一个展示最新科技趋势和互动体验的科技博览会.
  • 现场音乐表演以各种艺术家和流派为特色.
  • Interactive Creative Challenges for students and alumni.
  • Gaming tournaments, film screenings, and more.


Featured image - Hof9 Dan Patrick Workshop Inline

研讨会是名人堂周教育的重要组成部分, 在行业专家的指导下,为学生提供实践经验. For Hall of Fame Nine, 体育节目明星丹·帕特里克带领学生们参加了一个现场阅读研讨会, complete with running cameras and hot mics.

Featured image - Hof9 Silent Disco Inline

名人堂周期间的互动创意挑战让学生们有机会在各种有趣的挑战中相互竞争, in the case of the Silent Disco during Hall of Fame Nine, dance away the afternoon.

Featured image - Hof9 Tech Expo Inline

事实证明,名人堂周的技术博览会部分相当受欢迎, both with students and with Full Sail's industry partners. 在博览会期间,就像这次在名人堂9期间一样,学生们可以亲身体验该行业提供的一些最新装备和设备.

Featured image - Hof8 Game Tournament Inline


Featured image - Hof8 Career Expo Inline

名人堂周期间的职业博览会将雇主聚集在一起, students, and alumni for networking and employment opportunities.

Featured image - Hof7 Ashish And Swedien Inline

名人堂周期间的教育小组为学生提供了许多独特的学习机会. For example, 在第七届名人堂期间,布鲁斯·斯维迪恩——迈克尔·杰克逊的长期工程师——和前学徒(和名人堂入选者)阿希什·曼昌达回忆了他们一起工作的经历.

Featured image - Hof6 Portfolio Review Inline

在名人堂周期间,学生们有很多机会与名人堂入选者互动, 无论是通过校园周围的非正式会议,还是通过诸如绿室会议或作品集审查之类的安排,比如在第六届名人堂与入选者金·阿尔珀特和纳撒尼尔·豪的会议上.

Featured image - Hof6 Watch Party Inline

每个名人堂周的高潮是入选仪式, 届时将有六名更著名的Full Sail毕业生成为名人堂成员. 多年来,学生们以不同的方式参与其中, 包括“街区派对”式的手表节,比如在第六届名人堂期间举办的这个, where students not only watched the ceremony, but also enjoyed free pizza, ice cream, and games.

Featured image - Hof5 Music Festival Inline

For the fifth Hall of Fame, a multi-day music festival was held on the Full Sail backlot, featuring local and national bands.

Featured image - Hof4 Ohurley Inline


Featured image - Hof3 Volition Panel Inline

在名人堂周期间,每年都会举办各种各样的小组讨论和讲座, like this one from Hall of Fame Three, 介绍Volition的毕业生,他们讨论了自己在该工作室一些大型游戏中的工作.

Featured image - Hof2 Mute Math Inline


Featured image - Hof1 Induction Ceremony Inline

2009年,Full Sail总裁加里·琼斯(Garry Jones)在首届名人堂揭幕仪式上揭幕.